On Wednesday evening, the Iraqi critic of Islam, Salwan Momika, was shot to death in Södertälje during a live broadcast on social media.

It was at 11 PM when the police received a report of a shooting indoors in a multi-family house in the Hovsjö district.

READ ALSO: Iraqi duo charged with desecrating the Quran in Stockholm

The man who was shot dead is Salwan Momika, who in recent years has gained notoriety in Sweden for burning the Quran. During Sweden’s NATO process, he burned several Qurans, sparking anger in Turkey, which was to approve the application.

Furthermore, other parts of the Muslim world also reacted against Sweden, leading to a major diplomatic crisis. Shortly thereafter, Momika’s temporary residence permit was revoked. However, Momika appealed and was granted a new residence permit on the grounds that he would face torture if deported to his home country, Iraq.

Several Muslim terrorist groups such as al-Qaeda and the Islamic State have expressed that Momika should be murdered as punishment for insulting Islam.

READ ALSO: Momika: ‘Did not know that Sweden would submit to Islam’

Last August, Salwan Momia, together with his critic of Islam friend Salwan Najem, was charged with four counts of incitement to racial hatred. The verdict will be announced at 11 AM today.

During the shooting in Södertälje, the Iraqi critic of Islam, Salwan Momika, was live streaming on the TikTok platform. Parts of the events following the shooting were captured on video.

READ ALSO: Convert Nathalie, 30, tries to have Salwan Momika deported to Iraq