EDITORIAL • No one expects the Tidö government to correct forty years of political failures in two years. Yet, frustration and criticism are now directed at the parties trying to clean up the mess. Unreasonable? Yes. Premature? Definitely. But more important is to ask: What can be done faster? What is held back by old conventions, bureaucracy, and cowardice? The answer is simple: Release SD.

The media’s reporting on bombings and murders influences public opinion, but the misplaced criticism of the Tidö parties is fascinating. It is possible to wish for faster and tougher measures, but there is no realistic alternative to the current government. In fact, with SD as the driving force, this is the best government Sweden has had since the introduction of democracy.

Does it need to improve? Of course. And it will when SD takes ministerial positions. But already, enormous progress has been made in migration, crime, taxes, and energy policy. Something the Social Democrats have never even come close to. On the contrary, everything would have been worse.

Do you think Tidö is moving too slowly? Then consider the alternative: the Social Democrats with their eternal failures, supported by V, MP, and C. That would have been the final nail in Sweden’s coffin.

So: Tidö is the best we’ve seen in 100 years. But if we want four more years of progress – and faster, tougher ones – one thing is required: Release SD!

Daring and Wavering

The fundamental problem with the so-called ‘bourgeois parties’, which at best can be classified as center-liberal, is that they are the old type of politicians. Those who play the game, those who stay within the boundaries set by the left-liberals. They are careful to follow the usual order, not make too big changes too quickly, be restrained, appear sensible and competent, sluggish and perhaps pleasant.

It would have been nice and worked well in a Swedish Sweden. But we no longer live in a Swedish Sweden. We live in a multicultural chaos. As Jimmie Åkesson wrote:

Mass immigration from dysfunctional countries and legislation adapted for ‘the old Sweden’ is what has led to the daily recurring bombings we read about in the media. We Sweden Democrats have warned about this type of development for decades, and I dare say that we are the only party that, without blinders, wants to get to the bottom of the problem’s cause.

Exactly. SD has always said what needed to be said, despite massive resistance. Hardened by decades of struggle, we are ready to implement the fast, tough changes that are needed. But we are held back by the old parties – by those lacking courage.

Many do not understand what is happening behind the scenes. SD is pushing, but hindered by others, not least the Liberals. The cooperation works well, but it must not become an alibi for not going further.

But I know that SD’s representatives, both politicians and officials, want and try more. I have spoken to many of them. But they are hindered by the others in the sluggish parties.

My advice to the bourgeois

I have never cared about practices, conventions, or ‘how things should be’. That’s why I have been able to propose changes that were unacceptable then but are now government policy. But the bourgeois parties lack the courage, the strength, and the damn determination needed to turn Sweden around. We need decisive actions, not thinking in small steps.

Therefore, if the bourgeois want to win the next election, my advice is:

Release SD. Listen to and embrace their proposals. Drop your resistance and your anxiety. When you have an impulse that you do not dare – do it anyway. As Seinfeld said in the comedy series Seinfeld: ‘If all your instincts are wrong, the opposite must be right.’

Gang violence and Islamization are a crucial issue for this government. It was elected not least to handle exactly that. Now they must step up. Meetings and negotiations are not enough. Voters want to see results.

Already now, in the middle of the term, let Richard Jomshof take over the position of Minister of Justice and Jimmie Åkesson as Minister of Migration. Bow down to what SD says. Then you will see real change – and another four years in power.