Criminal gangs and suspected terrorists in Sweden are using ammunition, designed to penetrate bulletproof vests, from the Swedish Defense Forces – yet another authority that seems to be infiltrated.

In movies from the criminal environment, it is evident how the Swedish Defense Forces’ ammunition is smuggled to Norway, where immigrant gangs from Sweden have spread. According to a former gang criminal interviewed by Svenska Dagbladet, they have ‘a guy on the inside’.

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The ammunition is used by, among others, the Home Guard and other units in Sweden and fits the Defense Force’s AK-4 and Pistol 88.

A long-time gang expert at the police states that their basic hypothesis is that criminal gangs have people on the inside of the Swedish Defense Forces.


Found with IS Terrorists

The ammunition has been used by criminal gangs in several murders and attempted murders. In addition to criminal gangs, it has also been found with suspected terrorists – as when the Security Service raided a mosque in Tyresö in March 2024.

Four men were then arrested on suspicion of preparing for terrorist offenses for the Islamic State and had collected weapons, bomb parts, and Defense Force ammunition.

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