When an ambulance was on its way to an acutely ill patient at the end of last week, they encountered a taxi whose driver seemed to take great pleasure in blocking the road. The behavior has resulted in a report of emergency light sabotage.

Last Friday, the ambulance responded to a cardiac arrest in Malmö. As the alarm was a high-priority emergency with an immediate danger to life, they used their emergency lights.

As the ambulance approached the patient, it was obstructed by a taxi driving at around ten kilometers per hour in front. The taxi driver also did their best to prevent the ambulance from overtaking by driving in a zigzag pattern. The taxi driver then reportedly stopped in the middle of the road.


According to the ambulance personnel, they could see the taxi driver sitting and laughing in their car.

Now, a police report for suspected emergency light sabotage has been filed, which Sydsvenskan has obtained, and a preliminary investigation has been initiated to find the taxi driver.