In some municipalities, prices have risen by almost 40 percent this year and they continue to rise. ‘A record in price shock’ is one of the assessments, and now there are demands for district heating companies to improve transparency regarding prices.

Last year’s average price increase of 7.8 percent was the highest noted by the Nils Holgersson group since they began their reports 30 years ago. For 2024, the increase is twice as large, with an average of 15.2 percent.

– We were surprised ourselves when we saw these numbers, says chairman Joachim Höggren to TT.

The price increases have affected different municipalities very differently. The situation is worst in Åstorp municipality, where the price has increased by 39 percent. In Stockholm and Gothenburg, the increases are twelve and nine percent, respectively, and in Malmö only a small percentage.

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This year’s figures represent a record in price shock, according to Joachim Höggren, who wants to see district heating companies improve transparency regarding prices and provide clearer explanations to consumers on how they are set.

– Politics needs to better protect consumer interests in a clearer way, and this could be done by imposing higher demands for transparency.