The government and the Sweden Democrats recently announced a significant increase in the amount offered to migrants who voluntarily return to their home countries. This is part of the policy to try to repair the damage caused to Swedish society by the enormous mass immigration of recent decades. Now, there are figures on how many migrants are willing to take up the offer.

The amount applies per person, which means it can amount to well over a million in some cases. To prevent abuse and the return of the same individuals to Sweden, biometric data must be provided.

Currently, the amount for voluntary return is 10,000 SEK.

For this purpose, 2.5 billion SEK has been allocated, described as a major success for the Sweden Democrats in the negotiations on the autumn budget.

READ ALSO: 350,000 SEK to RETURN – the government wants migrants to leave Sweden

The site Alkompis has now examined how many are willing to consider the offer. A full 77 percent say they are not interested, while only 15 percent say it might be interesting. The rest are undecided.

The same survey also reveals that 90 percent of the over 2,700 respondents have heard about the increased repatriation allowance.

Want even more money

Among the 77 percent who answered no to 350,000 SEK, a follow-up question was asked about whether an even higher amount could make them reconsider. Here, 66 percent said they would never return, while 25 percent would consider it.

23 percent stated that they would consider returning for a million SEK or more.

READ ALSO: Government and SD: ”More should choose to voluntarily return”