OPINION • The question in the headline above may seem far-fetched, but if one takes a closer look at the comet-like career that Kamala Harris has already made and which could also be crowned with the presidency of the world’s most powerful democracy, one can start to ponder.

Her career began in San Francisco where she had a relationship with the then 60-year-old Willie Brown, who was the speaker of the California State Assembly from 1980 to 1995. Brown appointed her to two politically appointed positions, the first as a member of the board of the California Unemployment Insurance Appeals Board and then to the board of the California Medical Assistance Commission. Brown himself confirmed that Kamala Harris was his mistress and that he also helped her to be elected as district attorney for the city of San Francisco (2004-2011) where he was mayor from 1996 to 2004.

In 2011, she was elected Attorney General of California and in 2017 she was elected as a senator for the same state. However, she was the first to give up her ambitions to become president in 2020 because she was not popular at all. However, Joe Biden chose her as his vice presidential candidate, despite her harsh criticism of him during the campaign. Today, she is suddenly the Democratic party’s presidential candidate after the palace coup in the White House and she could become the next president of the USA.

Wants to extend abortion rights to after birth

After all her rhetorical turnarounds, she has claimed that her political values are the same as before. In other words, she has the same beliefs and policies that earned her the title of the most left-wing senator and politician in the USA. We know that she has pushed abortion rights very hard and women’s right to it, which she calls ‘reproductive freedom’, which in Swedish can be translated to ‘reproductive freedom’. However, it is not about the freedom to reproduce but only about killing fetuses – all the way up to the ninth month. She has also, as a senator, voted against a bill that would give a fetus that has been aborted the right to continue living if it were to survive an abortion.

Advocates for surgical gender reassignment for children

As a senator, she has done everything she can to prevent judges and other officials from being appointed who can be considered to have a religious belief. Who does not remember her witch hunt in the Senate against Supreme Court Justice Brett Kavanaugh?

In her various roles, Kamala Harris has advocated for unnatural gender ideologies in order to encourage people to undergo gender reassignment. This also applies to children’s right to surgical gender mutilation without requiring parental consent.

In an interview in 2023 with ABC (her favorite media that helped her in the debate with Donald Trump), she harshly criticized the states that have approved laws that partially restrict abortions and she has urged the American Congress, both chambers, to legislate a ban on restrictions on the ‘right’ to abortion. She has also claimed that Americans who have a religious belief can be in favor of free abortion without abandoning their religious faith.

Is it Kamala’s Indian origin haunting her?

One might actually think that Kamala Harris wants to take the USA back to ancient cultures that sacrificed their children to the gods, which happened around the world before Christianity took over. There are those who believe that politicians who advocate, among other things, free abortion and gender mutilation of children are influenced by such worldviews.

What we know about Kamala Harris is that her mother was from India and that she has been influenced by Hinduism through her. Her full name is Kamala Devi Harris. Kamala is the name of one of the foremost goddesses in Hinduism and her middle name, Devi, means goddess. Thus, one can say that she is called ‘Goddess Kamala’ and she has previously proudly presented her Indian origin, but no longer does.

There is even a relief in an Indian temple of the Hindu goddess ‘the laughing Kamala’, which bears striking similarities to the presidential candidate Kamala Harris who often laughs out loud and not infrequently at the wrong times.

No wonder that Donald Trump and others have wondered why Kamala Harris has now chosen to only identify herself as African American and now seems to deny her Indian origin. Could there be a thought behind this?

Swede in the USA

READ ALSO: Site ranking Kamala Harris ‘most left-wing of all’ disappeared