Samnytt has obtained video footage showing yet another humiliation robbery. The victim is forced to hand over his jacket and shirt while being beaten bloody with punches and kicks.

The video clip was posted on social media in August this year, but it is unclear where and when the incident took place.

In the video, two perpetrators can be seen and heard, hiding themselves with hoods. They threaten the victim and force him to hand over his clothes, which are of exclusive brands.

– We will fuck you here, do you understand? Do you understand, you little bastard?
– If you report, we will fucking kill you!

Why we are publishing the material

Samnytt chooses to publish the video clip of the humiliation violence to underline the seriousness of the situation in Sweden today regarding the escalating serious street violence, where a human life is worth nothing, where the perpetrators are getting younger and people are robbed, humiliated, shot, and stabbed. This is a reality that other media outlets do not fully take responsibility for reporting, with the result that sufficient pressure is not put on our national politicians to take the necessary measures to stop the development.

We have made an effort to, in accordance with good press ethics, anonymize the crime victim in the published video images. At the same time, we want to inform our readers that as a private individual, it may be a crime, according to the law on unlawful depiction of violence and unlawful intrusion on privacy, to copy and spread the video clip further on social media. However, it is not a crime to share a link to our article, as through our publishing certificate as a media actor, we enjoy stronger constitutional protection.

SEE VIDEO: Boy forced to play dog for immigrants – raped with stick in anus