The Social Democratic gang profile Bilal Ayeb is indicted for violation of a restraining order – a crime that can result in up to one year in prison. This is evident from documents from the Södertörn District Court.

Bilal Ayeb, who has been identified by the police as a member of the so-called Vårby network, has been convicted of repeated criminal activities. In June, the Prosecution Authority imposes a restraining order on him, covering most of the Stockholm suburb Alby.

According to the decision, the 29-year-old belongs to an ‘established criminal group’ in Alby. ‘The police assess that Bilal Ayeb has a leading and strategic role in the group’s drug sales in the area,’ it says.


In July this year, a police patrol finds Ayeb within the area for which he has been issued a restraining order. He is only a few meters from the border, on the wrong side of a local road, nevertheless in an area forbidden for him.

A new tool

The issuance of restraining orders is a relatively new tool in the police and prosecution authorities’ toolbox. It is the SD-supported Tidö government that has introduced the new law to prevent gang criminals from staying in certain places, in order to combat, not least, drug trafficking.

The new law comes into force on February 1 this year after some criticism from the red-green opposition. The Social Democrats object in a motion that restraining orders entail a risk of discrimination and also point to the ‘child rights perspective.’

READ ALSO: S-leadership knew about the party’s gang connections in Botkyrka

In the vote in the parliament, all parties except the Left Party vote in favor of the law.

Bilal Ayebs restraining order area in Alby. Police/Faksimil

In May this year, the first sentence falls against a 25-year-old gang criminal man in Stockholm for breaking his restraining order. The penalty for the man, who has a Somali immigrant background, is one month in prison. Subsequently, several people have been convicted of breaking their restraining orders. Several of them to prison.


Bilal Ayeb has previously worked at the youth center in Alby, operated by the Social Democratic educational association ABF. The youth center is a publicly funded activity that has repeatedly been identified as a haven and a recruitment base for gang criminals.

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When Ayeb, in the summer of 2018, wearing a hoodie from Botkyrka municipality, is on his way to work at the youth center, he is stopped by a police patrol. He is already convicted of several crimes, including minor drug offenses. And since the police have just intervened against his friend who had drugs on him, they want to check Ayeb as well.

READ ALSO: The Social Democrats’ security officer rented a house to a gangster – shooting in the yard

But the Arab man does not agree. He violently resists the intervening police.

Archive image. Photo: Samnytt

He is later convicted of violent resistance, something he has been convicted of before. A couple of years earlier, police officers were subjected to stone-throwing by criminal youths at the same youth center. On that occasion, Bilal Ayeb was also arrested by the police and later convicted of a crime.

Ayeb is forced to leave the youth center in 2019. However, the reason is not drug convictions or violence against police officers, but because the Social Democratic association finds out that he bought sex from a prostitute.

The Social Democrats in Botkyrka

According to information to Expressen, Bilal Ayeb is also one of the people responsible for the well-publicized coup within the Social Democrats in Botkyrka last year. This forces the chairman of the municipal board, Ebba Östlin, also the party’s group leader, away at a local party meeting.

READ ALSO: Gang criminal Social Democrats ‘coup’ away Ebba Östlin

The municipality has decided to close several youth centers and clubs due to the gang connections – and several gang criminals are therefore claimed to have joined the party in order to vote out the person seen as responsible. Bilal Ayeb is described as one of the ‘responsible’ for the coup.

READ ALSO: Chairman of the municipal board closed criminal youth centers – fired by S

It should be noted that ABF does not consider that there was any ‘coup’ when Ebba Östlin was voted out. In a now deleted press release from February last year, the claim is refuted as false.

‘ABF takes the speculation very seriously. We have not, neither in our own nor others’ investigations, received any information that proves these claims to be true,’ the educational association writes in it.

Bilal Ayeb also denies that he is a criminal. He says that he has only been caught a few times when he smoked hash. He has also not wanted to sign the restraining order issued against him by the prosecutor.