A juror from the Sweden Democrats and two from the Moderate Party voted last year against the prosecutor’s deportation request for murder suspect Mohammad Omar. This was reported by Samnytt.

Mohammad Omar is currently one of two defendants in the murder of a 16-year-old boy in Norrköping in April last year. The 16-year-old, who had no prior convictions, was shot several times in the throat and chest.

READ MORE: INDICTMENT: Court stopped deportation of criminal Arab – shot 16-year-old with shots through the throat

Deportation denied

At the time of the murder, Omar was already suspected of several other crimes, including diesel thefts from a couple of haulage companies in the Gothenburg area. He had also previously been convicted of numerous petty thefts and drug offenses.

When the indictment for the diesel thefts was brought in November 2023, assistant prosecutor Maria Bengtsson requested the deportation of the 25-year-old Iraqi. However, when the trial was held in May 2024, her deportation request was denied.

“Mohammad Omar has refugee status,” notes the Gothenburg District Court in its ruling, which continues:

“This means that he can only be deported if he has committed a particularly serious crime and it would pose a serious threat to public order and safety to let him stay in Sweden, or if he has engaged in activities that have posed a danger to the security of the state and there is reason to believe that he would continue such activities here”.

Right-wing jurors

The court is unanimous in its rejection of the deportation request. In addition to judicial clerk Ellen Edgren, the two Moderate Party jurors Mari Paulsson and Jan Blohm, and SD juror Emil Timskog, also ruled on the case.

It should be noted that when the district court rejects the deportation of Mohammad Omar, he is already in custody for murder.

Samnytt has contacted Emil Timskog.