On Tuesday afternoon, the leader of the Social Democrats, Magdalena Andersson, held a press conference to comment on the flood of scandals regarding the party’s lottery sales. The S-leader says she is ”deeply disappointed and frankly furious” about what has been revealed.

The Social Democrats’ lottery sales have been the subject of several scandals and harsh criticism in recent years. Despite the aggressive sales methods, which closely resemble fraudulent methods, the Social Democrats have allowed the operation to continue. This is because the operation brings in tens of millions of kronor to the party each year, giving them a financial advantage over other parties.

READ ALSO: S-lottery sellers deceived the elderly – celebrated with a trip to the Canary Islands

The criticism often focuses on the methods where telemarketers target lists of potential customers, often confused elderly individuals. Last week, a secret script used by telemarketers to deceive the elderly into buying the party’s lottery was revealed.

The elderly were led to believe that winning was almost guaranteed if they bought tickets. They were told they could share the winnings with their grandchildren to make them happy. If an elderly person claimed they couldn’t afford it, they were told they could pay afterwards with future winnings.

READ MORE: Secret script shows how confused elderly individuals are deceived into buying the Social Democrats’ lottery

Continuous subscriptions where the elderly are forced to buy tickets month after month, which they have to cancel themselves, were sold with lies that it was only a one-time purchase. This and more are revealed in a secret sales script approved by the Social Democrats through Kombilotteriet.

Magdalena Andersson: ”Ska göra rent hus”

S-leader Magdalena Andersson has been silent while revelations about the party’s lottery sales, through the wholly-owned company Kombispel, have continued to emerge. However, on Tuesday afternoon, Andersson called a press conference to comment on what has come to light.

– I am deeply disappointed and frankly furious, said Andersson, claiming that the lottery’s sales methods go against the party’s values.

READ ALSO: He is the Social Democrat leading BOTH the Tax Agency AND the party’s lotteries

Furthermore, Andersson stated that the Social Democrats’ company Kombispel has ”failed” in its work and as a result, the party has fired the CEO and urged the board to resign from their positions.

– The information that has come to light is serious, I welcome this investigation. This is unacceptable. It is clear that Kombispel has failed in its oversight, said Andersson.

According to Magdalena Andersson, the new CEO and the board will ”clean house” in the lottery sales. This includes completely ceasing telemarketing.

Gang criminals among the sellers

On Monday, Samnytt could show several gang criminals who worked at the Social Democrats’ call center. One of those convicted for the murder of 12-year-old Adriana Ostrowska Naghei in August 2020 was employed at the call center.

READ MORE: Adriana’s murderer worked at the Social Democrats’ call center

Two more gang criminals who worked for the same call center are also mentioned in the investigation of Adriana’s murder. Furthermore, these individuals have been convicted of several serious crimes. These are just a few of the seriously criminal individuals who have worked at the call center. The entire list can be read HERE.

READ ALSO: Here are the gang criminals at the Social Democrats’ call center