The 24-year-old man from Afghanistan who was detained over the weekend on suspicion of three rapes – two of which took place at Uppsala University Hospital – was employed by the hospital at the time the rapes were committed. This can now be revealed by Samnytt.

The two hospital rapes occurred in December 2021, and assistant prosecutor and lead investigator Karin Persson had previously stated that they “took place in a caring situation”.

”I won’t comment”

When Samnytt asked the prosecutor on Tuesday whether the detained man was employed at the hospital when the assaults were committed, she refused to answer the question.

– I won’t comment on that, she told Samnytt.

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Karin Persson also declined to comment on why it took so long before the man was detained for the rapes, or whether there is one or several different victims.

– I have no comments on that, she repeated.

Worked at the hospital

However, Samnytt has learned from Uppsala Region that the detained man was employed by Uppsala University Hospital when the rapes were committed there. According to the HR department, he was employed as an assistant between November 18, 2019, and May 31 this year.

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– The AID code for us is called ”assistant, other”. It can be translated somewhat as a healthcare assistant. The most common task for someone working as an assistant is to sit watch over people who need extra supervision, explained deputy HR chief Olivia Laurent Wijkmark to Samnytt, and continued:

– They work in healthcare with simple unskilled tasks.

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It was during this role that the man committed two rapes at the hospital “in a caring situation”.

Unclear extent

The detained 24-year-old came to Sweden from Afghanistan during the migrant crisis as an unaccompanied minor migrant. He has no relatives in Sweden. In addition to the hospital rapes, he is also suspected of a rape in Uppsala in August this year.

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The man worked his last shift at the hospital in August last year.

– We have looked at this employee’s previous employments, and it has varied a lot over time how much he has worked, said Olivia Laurent Wijkmark.

The detained 24-year-old has been a Swedish citizen since May this year.

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