Swedes are among the most profitable immigrants. Migrants from Somalia are the most economically burdensome. This is evident from a recent study on the profitability of migrants.

A Dutch research group, led by mathematics and computer science doctor Jan van de Beek, has compiled statistics on how profitable or costly different ethnic groups that have immigrated to the Netherlands are.

Dr. Jan van de Beek. Photo: X

Actually, this is not news. The research group produced a similar report three years ago, which Samnytt has previously highlighted.

READ ALSO: Shock Study: Immigration Costs 11,000 Billion Kronor

However, the van de Beek-led research group writes in the study that they periodically want to make new calculations to “encourage evidence-based decision-making”. This way, there is the possibility to discover if anything changes.

Swedes Profitable – Somalis Costly

And the report contains no surprises. As before, it is noted that immigrants from the Middle East and Africa are the most costly for society.

The most burdensome are immigrants from the Horn of Africa, namely Somalia, Eritrea, and Ethiopia, as well as Sudan. The main reason for this, according to the researchers, is that these immigrants work and earn significantly less money, and thus pay less tax, than native Dutch and Western migrants.

This African immigrant group also receives considerably more benefits than natives, but the researchers point out that this effect is counteracted by the fact that they relatively do not receive as much from the state pension systems.


At the other end of the scale are Japanese, North Americans, and at the very top; Danes, Swedes, and Finns. North American immigrants in the Netherlands, although relatively having higher wages than incoming Scandinavians, still result in lower net contributions when calculated based on paid taxes and public expenses.

A Swede moving to the Netherlands is estimated to bring a net contribution equivalent to nearly 2.4 million Swedish kronor to the country’s economy over their lifetime. In contrast, a Somali, Eritrean, or Ethiopian costs about seven million kronor.

Germans, Spaniards, and Italians are also profitable for society, but not as profitable as native Dutch. And nowhere near as profitable as the Swedes.

Detailed Calculations

What is unique about Jan van de Beek’s calculations is that they are very comprehensive and detailed. They calculate in detail the economic effects of different types of immigration on a society. And he presents several different calculations to estimate the average total net contributions of all migrants to society.

Nothing is left to chance. He and his research colleagues calculate what each migrant group costs for the judiciary, for benefit systems, if the group is more likely to finance their children’s schooling and education, to what extent they use publicly funded healthcare. And so on.

Every aspect of immigration, income, or cost, is converted into an amount. Then there are different models for how the costs of public investments in infrastructure, defense, and more should be allocated.

The way of calculating has also been noted outside the Netherlands, and in, among other places, Germany, politicians want similar calculations to be made there as well.