A woman who has been one of the infamous immigrant gang’s rape victims in the British town of Rotherham since the age of eleven and now has a protected identity, revealed her experiences in Sheffield Crown Court last week. However, the judge considered her wish to see the perpetrators deported to be too much and requested that it be withdrawn.

When the woman in the Rotherham case faced the perpetrators in court and described the abuses that began over 20 years ago, the process began with the judge and the prosecutor discussing a section that had been removed from her testimony.

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Advocate Matthew Bean, representing the crown, said that “whether they [the perpetrators] stay in this country or not” is up to the Home Office and that the decision should be made regardless of what “the victim would say in one way or another”.

Life ruined

The woman was then called to testify and delivered what is described as a powerful speech. She addressed the accused and said that they had ruined her life but that she would not let them ruin her future as well.

“I am a fighter and a survivor. I thrive and fight. You cannot and will never take anything from me again,” she said.

“You stole my childhood, now I take your freedom, I am your karma.”

Wanted deportation

In the woman’s original testimony, which GB News has seen, several sections were crossed out due to restrictions ordered by the judge.

The censored conclusion reads: “I would like to request that after the verdict and after Rudy’s and Showab’s [two of the perpetrators] release, they should be deported back to Pakistan because that is where they came from and came here to exploit children. Thank you.”

The next day, the seven perpetrators were sentenced to a total of 106 years in prison: Mohammed Amar, Yasser Ajaibe, Mohammed Zameer Sadiq, Mohammed Siyab, Abid Saddiq, Tahir Yasin, and Ramin Bari.

READ ALSO: 20 men with immigrant backgrounds convicted in grooming trial: raped girls as young as 11 years old

Britain has recurring problems with immigrant gangs targeting British girls who are exploited in various ways. At the same time, authorities have turned a blind eye to the problem for fear of being called “racist”.