The Review Board announces on its website that it has ruled against four segments: two produced by TV4 Nyhetsmorgon, one produced by SR P4 Stockholm, and one produced by SVT Rapport. This concerns, among other things, bias in segments about the climate and Israel’s defensive war against the terrorist organization Hamas in Gaza.
TV4 Nyhetsmorgon is ruled against for two segments. In one case, it concerns reporting on a large number of civilian casualties in an attack on Israel staged by the Islamist terrorist organization and dictatorship Hamas in Gaza. The Review Board finds that TV4 took the civilian death toll from unreliable sources. Therefore, the segment violated the requirement of impartiality, it is stated.
In another segment on TV4 Nyhetsmorgon, it was reported that so-called extreme weather is becoming more common in Sweden linked to alleged climate change. As an example, images from a road in Stenungssund in 2023 were shown, which is well known to have had completely different causes, something Samnytt has written about HERE. The Review Board finds that the segment, by incorrectly attributing climate change, therefore violated the requirement of impartiality.
In a segment on P4 Stockholm’s morning program on Cinnamon Bun Day, what the Review Board perceives as advertising for a newly opened bakery was made several times. Therefore, it is considered that the segment violated the provision on undue promotion of commercial interests. In addition to the ruling, the Review Board wants the administrative court to fine SR with 25,000 SEK for the segment.
The fourth ruling concerns SVT Rapport where a climate alarm about extensive deforestation in Sweden was reported. In reality, no such thing has occurred, and the figures SVT referred to instead concerned regular forest logging, which is associated with replanting to maintain the status quo in the Swedish forest stock. The segment is ruled against for both partiality and bias. Samnytt has reported more extensively on this ruling HERE.