Sweden needs more immigration, otherwise a six-day workweek ”for everyone” is threatened. This was expressed by Expressen’s culture section on Tuesday.

It is journalist Per Wirtén, a contributor to Expressen’s culture section, who has written a text about the population decline in EU countries.

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According to Wirtén, Greece has set its sights on the future, and readers are informed that ”low birth rates and anti-immigration policies” have resulted in the country now lacking people. The Expressen profile warns that Sweden will soon be in the same situation.

”The question of our time is not how much immigration Sweden can handle, but how much anti-immigrant sentiment the economy can bear. European economists have long pointed out that immigration has not led to higher taxes, lower wages, or increased unemployment. But that there is a connection between immigration and growth – economic and human.”

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Furthermore, Per Wirtén is out scaring readers by stating that a responsible migration policy means that Sweden is dying.

”It is now becoming clear that hindered immigration comes at a high price. According to SCB, the population will decrease in half of the country’s municipalities by 2040. Residential buildings will be demolished. Schools will close. Stores will move. Taxes will rise. Welfare will collapse. When major companies cannot find personnel, they move abroad.”

Per Wirtén. Photo: Faksimil Miljöpartiet YouTube

”There is only one thing to do…”

The Expressen profile is certain and refers to the EU’s investigator on the union’s global competitiveness, the left-liberal and former ECB chief Mario Draghi, who has stated that Europe’s survival is threatened. Wirtén argues that immigration, which has ”long saved the situation” in Europe, is now being fought on all fronts by anti-immigration parties.

”Europe needs more people who can work. Childbearing must surely double. But it takes 25 years before it shows in hospitals, workshops, and tech companies. Until then, there is only one thing to do: to change migration policy for more open borders.”

Finally, Wirtén argues that more generous asylum rules are a must, ”otherwise there will soon be a six-day workweek for everyone”.

”In Sweden, the government understands nothing of the scene change. In August, the then Minister for Migration, Maria Malmer Stenergard, cheered that more people are leaving the country than moving here. It’s a bit shocking. The government wants Swedes to emigrate. And more will probably do so. For a declining population can develop into a darkly accelerating vortex.”

The social reality calls for the opposite: more immigration, more generous asylum rules, more children, regained hope for the future. Otherwise, there will soon be a six-day workweek for everyone.”

READ ALSO: Shock study: Immigration costs 11,000 billion SEK