The Social Democrats want to introduce ‘a Swedish mafia law’ according to the American Rico model, something that the Sweden Democrats proposed as early as 2011 and have been fighting to implement ever since – every year. But Magdalena Andersson claims that this is the Social Democrats’ proposal and that the initiative shows that the party is ahead of other parties with its solutions to combat gang crime. In a new interview, Kent Ekeroth (SD) comments on the Social Democrats’ copying of his legislative proposal.
– They are shameless, he tells Riks.

Last week, the Social Democrats’ party leader Magdalena Andersson and Member of Parliament Teresa Carvalho (S) held a press conference on how Sweden should combat gang crime with the help of Social Democratic policies. According to Andersson, gang crime must be seen as a national crisis – ‘a bit like the pandemic’.

The Social Democratic leader also attacked the government and the Sweden Democrats, claiming that they have failed to combat gang crime during their two years in power.

– To break the grip of gang crime on society, a completely new approach is required, Andersson said at the press conference.

Therefore, the Social Democrats propose that Sweden should take inspiration from the US so-called Rico legislation with collective liability for those involved in criminal networks. This would make it possible to go after leaders who control and also seize their assets.

Copying SD

However, this proposal is not the Social Democrats’ and not something new from last year as Magdalena Andersson claimed.

READ MORE: Social Democrats copy Ekeroth’s 13-year-old legislative proposal – launches it as their major initiative

In a new interview with the YouTube channel Riks, Ekeroth reveals that the Social Democrats have been completely uninterested in the legislative proposal known as Participation in Criminal Organization (DIKO).

– We presented this in 2011 and then over the years we developed these proposals every year and every year we presented it. Every year, everyone said no – not least the Social Democrats.

Ekeroth has a theory about why the Social Democrats are working in this way and copying the SD’s legislative proposal.

– I think they do this because they get away with it. It wasn’t long ago that we heard the Social Democrats say that they have always been in favor of a strict migration policy. You would laugh if it wasn’t so sad.

– The problem is that they are shameless when they do this because they always get away with it. If you look at the media, there is not a lot of reporting about us driving the issue for thirteen years.

Watch the full interview with Ekeroth:

This week, Samnytt contacted the Social Democrats to inquire more about the U-turn, but the party avoids questions.

READ MORE: Social Democrats copy Ekeroth’s 13-year-old legislative proposal – launches it as their major initiative