Ethiopian Abushi Shamse Kamal’s brutal attack and rape of 9-year-old Swedish Luna in July 2022 in Skellefteå outraged the entire Sweden. The girl suffered such severe brain injuries that she will never recover. Investigations into how this could have happened are still ongoing, and in a recent letter, the Health and Social Care Inspectorate (Ivo) directs renewed harsh criticism towards the Social Services Committee for malpractice. It is argued that the serious crime could have been prevented if the social workers had done their job.

Today, two and a half years after the brutal violence she endured, Luna still sits in a wheelchair, a shadow of her former self. She will never be restored – the serious brain injuries inflicted by Abushi are permanent.

READ MORE: Skellefteå monster strangled the girl with shoelaces

Escaped prison – receives expensive care

For Abushi, the consequences were much milder. Despite being found to have lied about his age and was determined to be much older than the 13 years he claimed to be, he did not receive a prison sentence for the attempted murder and the serious rape he was convicted of.

READ MORE: Received permanent residence permit a week before brutal murder attempt on girl in Skellefteå

Instead, Abushi will be cared for and can be discharged at any time if the doctors deem him treated. Until then, he costs taxpayers 200,000 SEK per month. Abushi cannot be deported from Sweden either, as he was granted Swedish citizenship days before he destroyed 9-year-old Luna’s life for all eternity.

Violent past – Social Services turned a blind eye

The outrage over the incident grew even stronger after it was revealed that Abushi had been guilty of several furious violent attacks in the past, something that the Social Services chose to turn a blind eye to. Why they did not want or dare to act is unclear.

READ MORE: REVEALED: Skellefteå monster’s care costs 200,000 per month

What is clear, however, is that if they had acted, Luna would still have been a happy and completely healthy girl today with a bright future ahead of her. The Health and Social Care Inspectorate (Ivo) already directed harsh criticism towards the Social Services a year ago for their passivity.

New reprimand from Ivo

Now they are forced to direct renewed criticism towards the municipality. They have neglected to take several of the measures they were ordered to take to ensure that something similar does not happen again. Considering the serious consequences of the malpractices, Ivo finds it remarkable that so little has been done and that the municipality must now be reprimanded again.

Responsible Social Democrat Isof Karmabotis refuses to resign and is more concerned about “xenophobia” than violent offenders like Abushi.

READ MORE: REVEALED: Mother’s miscalculation made Abushi 13 instead of 15

Among other things, Ivo feels that they have not received any satisfactory answers as to why Abushi’s previous violent attacks on several people were not investigated when they came to the attention of the Social Services, but instead were swept under the rug or dismissed. “Remarkable” is the word used to describe the municipality’s/Social Services’ neglect.

Ivo has also reacted to the fact that during the investigation, instead of modest humility and regret, they have been met with arrogance from the municipality where those responsible, who are members of the Social Democratic Party, deflect the criticism. They also refuse to answer questions from the media.

Luna’s aunt: “I am disappointed in society”

It is not only Ivo that is critical of how the municipality and the Social Services mishandled and indirectly made themselves complicit in turning Luna from a normal, happy Swedish girl into a care package in a few terrifying moments. Nor is the supervisory authority the only one who finds the lack of interest “remarkable” that the municipality has shown in retrospect regarding tightening its procedures.

READ MORE: Abushi convicted of attempted murder and serious rape of nine-year-old girl

Even close relatives of Luna have expressed dismay that the attack was not averted despite knowledge of Abushi’s violent history and that no one wants to take responsibility for what happened or even rectify the criticism they received from Ivo. Luna’s aunt, Emma Wettergren, says in a comment to Piteå-Tidningen that she is both angry and disappointed.

Even if the municipality had not been so passive and nonchalant, it still would not have been enough, she argues, and now demands that those responsible for Luna’s fate in the municipality resign.

“I’m furious. I am so disappointed in society.”

Responsible Social Democrat politician advocates for multiculturalism

One of the most responsible individuals – with 11 elected positions in Skellefteå municipality is the Social Democrat Iosif Karambotis. He is also one of those who does not want to speak with the media, dodges questions, and refers to “confidentiality” in brief email responses.

He has no plans to resign, as Luna’s aunt demands. Karambotis is not so passionate about the Swedish aspect in Skellefteå but has positioned himself as a fervent supporter of the multicultural immigrant society.

READ MORE: Skellefteå monster indicted for serious rape and attempted murder

He is one of the initiators of the Multicultural Forum in the municipality. This is to, as he puts it in an interview with Svenska kyrkan, “act against threatening forces”.

By “threatening,” Karambotis does not refer to violent individuals with an immigrant background like Abushi. Instead, it is the increasing “xenophobia” among Swedes that he sees as a concern. These are forces that threaten democracy, according to Karambotis.

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