15-year-old Ali Salum, a migrant from Syria, was hailed by state media as a successful example of integration. It turned out to be premature. Ali wanted to make quick money to buy luxury items and therefore agreed to shoot a fellow student at his school on behalf of the local gang for 400,000 kronor. However, the victim survived the shots to the head, and now Ali is charged with attempted murder, preparation for murder, and aggravated weapons offense.
It was on September 4th last year that Ali, on behalf of the local criminal immigrant gang, brought a gun to school and shot another student in the head in one of the school’s bathrooms. The victim was rushed to the hospital by ambulance and managed to survive, while Ali was arrested by the police.
Now, the Syrian migrant is being prosecuted at the Södertörn District Court for what has turned out to be a contract killing. Ali had started associating with criminal gang members and making money by selling drugs.
This was noticed by social authorities, and Ali was sentenced to care under LVU. However, the rehabilitation did not work, and Ali quickly returned to an antisocial and criminal lifestyle.
Motive: Wanted money to buy luxury items
The money he made from drug sales was not enough to buy the luxury items he wanted. Therefore, he agreed to murder a student at the school in Trångsund, south of Stockholm, where he himself attended. For this, he would receive 400,000 kronor in payment.
Ali had no personal issue with the chosen victim. However, the young man, like Ali, had a non-Western immigrant background and had seriously clashed with people in the criminal network in the area.
This was revealed by Ali in police interrogation after initially denying all accusations. He is now charged with attempted murder, preparation for murder, and aggravated weapons offense.
Accomplice may escape punishment
A so-called evidentiary action has also been brought against an accomplice of Ali. This is done for individuals who are too young to be punished. The accomplice, anonymized in the legal documents, is suspected of preparation for murder, incitement or complicity in preparation for murder, conspiracy to commit murder, aggravated weapons offense, and incitement to aggravated weapons offense.
The reason for anonymizing the accomplice is stated in the evidentiary action: “The crimes were committed in an environment of organized crime. Experience shows that failed criminal plans can lead to reprisals from the employer against the young person and/or their family, as well as from other individuals belonging to organizations in conflict with the young person and their employer. It can therefore be assumed that there is a strong threat against the young person and their family, and that they are at risk of suffering harm if the individual’s personal information is disclosed“.
Hailed as a successful example of integration
Ali came to Sweden with his parents during the migrant crisis in 2015. During his stay in Sweden, he was interviewed by state media, where he was portrayed as a successful example of integration.
Ali’s father has been granted Swedish citizenship, but not his mother. Ali himself is not a Swedish citizen either. Despite the serious crimes, the summons does not include any request for deportation.
READ MORE: Refugee boy arrested for attempted murder at school